UK Karate has developed a Privacy Policy in accordance with the requirements and principles of the Commonwealth Privacy Act (The Act).

1. The proper legal description of UK Karate is UKKGK, registered office in London, United Kingdom.

2. The act requires us to provide further information if required about the way UK handles the personal information of members. This can be obtained by writing to UK Karate Office

3. The personal information of members, such as name, address and contact details are used to enable UK Karate to make contact with members and provide them with information from time to time. If a member becomes a UK Karate Instructor, this member’s information will be used to assist in the Instructor Accreditation Program.

4. UK Karate does not disclose any information concerning its members to any other organisation.

5. If a person does not provide UK Karate with the personal information we request on registration, we will not be able to process their request to join UK Karate.

Please note that photographs and footage from our classes and events may be used for student recognition or promotional purposes on our website and social media channels. Please contact your local Regional Manager or the UK Karate SupportCentre if you have any concerns.


Note: Privacy policy was last updated on 20 May, 2022